Al Gore… This one is for you.

February 28, 2009


Even though I am an environmentally conscience liberal, I am dedicating this picture to the father of all tree huggers.

It’s hard to pick

February 27, 2009

I am digging on first row last one.  She’s got that  come get me looks.

Hot women

Thank you Obama

February 27, 2009

One of the few policies of our government that I hated is changing.

For the fallen

Our presidents

February 26, 2009

If the following picture offends you, it means you do NOT have a good sense of humor.

Somewhere in Arkansas…

February 26, 2009

This happily married couple is either 2 dudes or 2 chicks.  It’s possible that this is a photo of a dude and a chick but which one is which is anyones guess.

If I ran into one in a bar’s toilet, I’d probably not raise an eyebrow.

My sad addiction

February 26, 2009

They come to your house.

They trap you on the street corners.

They block your favorite store’s entrances and simply hawk their delectable wares from under their make-shift tables with a fake grin.

Your friends and relatives push them on you.

You try them once because everyone else is doing it, pressure gets to you sooner or later.

I first bought them in front of Home Depot. I could not resist them so I caved in and bought a couple of hits.  I finished both rows before I got home.

I’ve been hooked ever since. Sometimes I buy an extra stash of them and put them in the freezer. I try to control myself by only taking 4 of them at a time. Soon, I find myself making a second and third trip back to my stash. Next thing I realize, I’ve completed 2 rows in one sitting. I sit in front of the TV disgusted with my glutinous behavior. I curse those little pushers who got me addicted to them. They are not cheap either (as most addictive substances are not). Sometimes I am afraid to turn the pushers down, they look cute but they can quickly turn evil and do unspeakable harm to you when you least expect it.

So as I sat on my lazy chair and showed another thin mint Girl Scout cookie in my mouth, I realized I needed intervention. The wife is stronger than me. She is inhuman. She turned them down because of her diet. Girl Scout cookie season is perfectly timed to coincide with my pledge to eat healthy and be chiseled for my 40th birthday.

Looks can be deceiving

Sound good to me!

February 25, 2009

It’s been a while since Tarantino made a good movie.  2 of his movies are in my top 10 all time list and I use quotes from both movies often.  (English MF do you speak it?)

So, when I saw this trailer I thought to myself… Tarantino making a movie about Jewish-American soldiers killing Nazi soldiers in WWII led by Brad Pitt.

I have to see this movie.

Living with a 7 year old girl

February 25, 2009


Imagine late at night… The kids are asleep.  It’s finally calm and you grab your favorite magazine to finally do your business in peace.

You walk in to the closest bathroom and turn on the light…



I almost did it in my P.Js

A new season

February 23, 2009

My Firecrackers started the season with a bang! 12-1.

I hate winning a game by such a stretch. It’s demoralizing for the other team. It sucks the fun out of celebrating after 5-0. I can’t enjoy my girls’ goals as much as I should. The only goal other team got was because I asked my girls to come out of defense and let them score.

Firecrackers 2009

Whales need love too

February 20, 2009

This is a screenshot form

Whales need love too!

I dream of…

February 17, 2009

My PC @ home is getting old.

It’s slow.  When I first got it, it was fast and it gave me everything I needed.  These days, every time I turn it on, it pisses me off.  I wait for it to get ready while it loads (and unloads) a bunch of crap.  It’s not even running the latest OS, I am behind a full generation of an operating system.  It’s starting to make peculiar noises as well. It almost sounds like a groan. Booting it up is a pain in the ass too! It used to boot up in seconds and now I have to wait while it takes its sweet time doing whatever the hell it does. I’ve tried to upgrade it with more accessories but that proved to be a futile effort. Lately it’s been freezing up on me. In the middle of an exciting and heart racing episode of Half Life 2, it decides to stop and think about something else while I lose all momentum on what I was doing. Do you know how discouraging it is to be that close to getting the mission completed when the damn thing locks up on you?

Storage is another thing. When I first got it, it had all the storage I ever thought it would need. The hell with that now. It has a ton of extra storage extended all around it now too. I’ve tried to back it up to get it to slim down but, damn it, it’s still getting bigger.

I’ve had enough of it. I need a new P.C. I need something that will deliver it all.

I’ve found it @ Dell.

It’s sexy as hell. It’s got curves unlike any other P.C. It has an advanced liquid cooling system that never over heats. 6 GB of tri-channel memory! How do you like them chips baby! You turn it on and it’s ready for action. No need to wait forever while it boots up. It has the Alienware FX technology. I don’t know exactly what that means but I am turned on just thinking about it. It comes in red or blue, and even yellow. Dreamy!

Sometimes I even imagine having all three of them in my room. One for fun, one while I do my work, and one for coming up and experimenting new ideas with new platforms.

I love the see-through look on them.  It gives you just enough peek to let you wonder the things it can do that your old one cannot anymore.

Monitors are another thing of course. I personally like them big and bright. I prefer at least 1:10000 contrast ratio and the one I have @ home is not gonna do it anymore either. I have a 15” and a 21” monitor. They are oddly matched for this new beauty. This beast supports dual monitors of any size I can dream of. So naturally I am going for 2 24 inch monitors side by side.

Hot damn!


All of these wet dreams I have depend on one of 2 things:

This year’s tax return or the wife letting me have my dream P.C.

There is a slight another chance.  Maybe Obama can help me out a little too.

Happy Valentines

February 13, 2009

I hope you are spending this V-Day with your loved ones.  On this day last year, I had gotten laid off.

This year, it’s looking much better.

Daily rant

February 6, 2009

I felt the need to blog but I don’t really have anything. My office is full of sick people coughing and hacking so I am waiting for my turn to get sick.

I’ve got nothing remotely exciting happening these days so I thought I’d rant about a few things…

My new T.V. show pissed me off last night. I love the new “Lie to me”. It’s a semi-intelligent show in the midst of all the CSI want-to-be shows. I can’t watch any of the CSI shows because… well let’s just say some of the crap they claim to be able to do is just not possible in the time and place they do them.

My show last night had a classic surveillance scene. Tim Roth (one of my favorite actors) is looking at the footage of a CC camera on a monitor. The perp has her back turned to the camera so we can’t see her face. No problem! There is a bookcase 20 feet away with a glass door facing her. Tim tells the operator to “zoom in” on the glass door to see her reflection. Zooooom, we see her face. Tim tells the operator to “clean up” the image. Hot-damn! We see her face. It gets better, Tim, being the expert he is, can now read the lines on her forehead to figure out what expression she has on her face TO SOLVE THE CASE!

I want this guy analyzing every video Osama sends us. Maybe he can zoom in on a part of the cave these creatures live in and figure out what part of Pakistan they are hiding in.

Michael Phelps. One day he is our national pride, and the next day he is cast away. All I can say is I am so glad my friends did not have digital cameras and phones that can take pictures when I was at that age.

Nadya Suleman is the woman who has 6 kids all under the age of 7 and then gave birth to another 8. She is taking a lot of heat for being a single mom who is living on disability payments. A lot of people are judging her for being irresponsible and having 14 kids when she has zero means to provide for them. And I agree with them. 14 kids? What is her reasoning for this? She says she loves a big family. I don’t buy it. One of 2 things is going on here. 1-) She is mentally unstable 2-) She is about to make a lot of $$ signing deals for books and TV shows. Why not? There is already a show about 8 kids in a family. 14 would make a better show. This is yet another person getting rich on prime-time media. I ask all those people complaining about the ethics of what she is doing: “What do you recommend?” Limits on having kids? Limiting doctors from performing IVF? Punishment? Get approval before having IVF?

To adopt a baby you have to prove you can provide for them. But you can go to a clinic and have 8 kids implanted without a question.

Nadya is about to get rich and famous.

Maybe in Arkansas?

February 2, 2009

I stole this from a friend’s blog…And is directed at another friend.